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Directly next to the chimney room Chadafö veglia you will find our Biblioteca. The historic Biedermeier furniture and the original wooden parquet flooring give the old patrician house back its former splendour. Discover the well-kept selection of books in various languages, which can be borrowed by our hotel guests during their stay.

Make yourself comfortable in one of the armchairs and dive into the world of books. Books and illustrated books about Sils and the Engadine await you, as well as thrillers, novels and historical topics.

Opening times

The Biblioteca is always open.
Bar: daily from 16:00

Rating on booking by Bianca, September 2023
"Yes, they still exist. These time-honoured hotels that give guests a special feeling. My stay at this hotel was not just a simple visit, but a true journey into the hospitality of times gone by. The hosts of this hotel maintain a tradition of warmth and care that is rarely found today. As soon as I entered the hotel, I felt welcomed as if I were a long-lost family member. Here, the hotel manager still says goodbye to every guest personally. Exceptional and highly recommended."
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