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Your career at the Parkhotel Margna

Have you turned your passion into a job? Thank you for your interest in a career at the Parkhotel Margna. Are you interested? Please send your application with a photograph and detailed documents to Simona Seiler, look forward to meeting you!

Apprenticeship vacancies

From August 2025 we are also looking again for young, refreshing apprentices to enrich the Margna team:

> Apprenticeship as Hotel Specialist EFZ

> Apprenticeship as cook EFZ

What we can offer you

  • an attractive workplace
  • a dynamic, creative team
  • varied work
  • studio flats for employees in a separate building

A top training company

We are one of the top training companies! Our goal is to provide our apprentices with the best possible personal and professional support to give them the optimal preparation for their future careers.

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